That was the mechanic that played a significant role in the ending of the final game. Lastly, the studio has reworked the "Galaxy at War" system from Mass Effect 3. We should note, one thing the remasters won't add is same-sex romances. BioWare has also integrated DLC weapons and armor so that you earn them as you play through the story instead of them being unlocked as soon you start one of the games. One of which is that the trilogy now features a unified character creator, so your Commander Shepard will look consistent throughout their entire mission against the Reapers. Mass Effect 3 is slated to hit stores on Mafor Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.There are also several changes coming to all three games. You get to evolve your powers throughout the way like you would in single-player,” Wong explained. At the end of each wave you get some in-game currency that you can use to buy modifications for your different weapons or new weapons themselves. You’ll face Geth, Cerberus and Cannibals, who are Reaper-fied races. There are three different types of enemies you’ll face. Players will work together through an onslaught of enemies across eleven different waves, collecting in-game currency along the way as they recapture and claim territories that will be pivotal in the fight for the galaxy. If you loved certain characters you can now play as someone who is like them,” Wong explained. “There are six different classes in the game and each is represented for the alien races. There will be six races represented in the game, with different classes represented within each one. These are all locations you see in the game and in the single player as well,” Wong said. While Sheperd is off doing his own thing in the storyline, he is going to be able to send these elite squads to these key conflict zones to take them back. “The thing about this war is that it is also taking place across the galaxy and like in any war there are key locations, and those who hold those points. The concept behind the “Galaxy at War” mode is that up to four players can join together as part of a Special Forces that is deployed to various locations throughout the game in order to protect resources and secure assets that will help in the war against the Reapers. You have to rally the forces of the galaxy, not just individuals like you did in Mass Effect 2,” Andrew Wong, Senior PR Manager for EA, explained to me during a demonstration. “With Mass Effect 3 the Reapers have come, they are attacking Earth and you have to mount this offensive to take it back.